Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Settling Into My New Apartment

I won’t describe my apartment here, because I already did on the video I posted on Facebook. However, what I will talk about is the first taste of homesickness that unexpectedly hit me.

It was on my very first day in the apartment. That was Monday, August 26th. I stood in my bedroom, with all of my belongings put away, my clothes folded, and my new life officially underway, and I felt overwhelmingly empty. Not because I didn’t like the apartment, but because it just hit me that my life was now a blank slate and I didn't know what to do with it. I had nobody; I had nothing; I didn’t know where anything was; I couldn’t communicate with anybody; I was completely alone. During orientation, I’d had my new friends to keep my mind from wandering down this path, but now these thoughts consumed my mind, and the silence was deafening.

I turned on the TV to combat that silence, and was surprised to find Prince Caspian playing in English. The movie offered no respite, though, and so I turned to my scrapbook, which is filled with pictures of all you beautiful folks back home. Flipping through the book, I felt a weight lift, and I was able to relax again.
And with that, I went to grab my first Korean dinner alone. I couldn’t have done it without you all.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Embrace and enjoy it, my friend.