Friday, August 7, 2015

Mickey, Magic, and My Niece

I ended 2014 and started 2015 in style. Not only did I get to ride the Hogwarts freakin' Express AND meet Mickey Mouse, but I got to meet my adorable six year old niece, Enjolin, for the very first time. Turns out turning 30 ain't so bad after all.

All aboard the Hogwarts Express!
It was beautiful, aside from all the pesky muggles.

Though that's not butter beer, I did get to try it later, and I was sadly disappointed. You could order it hot or cold; I ordered it cold, and it tasted like root beer and beer's bastard child.

Somehow, I just don't look as cool. Jenny P and Paula will probably blame it on the shoes.

I was hoping to meet the Donald instead (not douchebag, the duck), Goofy turned out to be pretty cool too.

Minnie was totally being a flirty minx. She said Mickey hasn't put a ring on it.

The birthday girl! (Get that jersey away from me.)

That's better.

Thankfully, she must get all her looks from her mommy.

Loving you is easy cuz you're do do do do doooo

Quality sibling time at Busch Gardens. And yes, my brother is wearing a toque in Florida. It was "cold." That's why he needed those sunglasses to protect him from the freezing sun.

Love this kid.

We did this about a thousand times up and down the street. Somehow, she never got bored. Ever.

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