Monday, August 10, 2015

Road Trip: Fredericton and Stuff

Winter is coming...but not for another few months, though.

Very cool place...think Pioneer Village.

Doris waiting for her psychologist. She has issues.

So this is a school. Doris and I went inside, and the "teacher" had us write our names, read a book out loud, the usual teacher stuff. She then starts telling us that Doris would likely be going to another school soon, with the rest of the older students, whereas I might want to look into finding work as a teacher. Smart lady.

Urban Quest #3 proved to be slightly less frustrating than Montreal, but still frustrating. 

Good morning, Ms. Lucas!

This is an anchor, Urban Quest! It's an anchor, and I don't care what anybody says!

Kayaking proved to be quite the challenge on this day, cuz the water just wasn't cooperating, but we managed. We may or may not have gotten into a couple water fights along the way...all Doris' fault.

One of us is super excited...the other one, not so much.

Selfie # 3628
Random chairs along the trail, with a great view of the ocean. The chairs were right on top of Matthew's Head, the rock that happens to be the trail's namesake.
According to Doris, this is unicorn poop, because it was alarmingly sparkly. (No joke)

Doris being Doris

Sassypants returns!

We were hoping to make it back to Hopewell after the tide came in, but we didn't have time. (We actually did Hopewell first, and then the hike.) Unfortunately, by the time we finished the hike, we had to head straight for Charlottetown.

You read. I'm too lazy to type.

Off to Charlottetown!

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